Present Designation & Address     :           Assistant Professor,

                                                                        Department of KAYACHIKITSA,

                                                                        S.V. Ayurvedic College,

                                                                        TIRUPATI – 517507.


Address for Correspondence         :          Dr. PARASARAM MURALI KRISHNA


                                                                        Khadi Colony,


                                                                        TIRUPATI – 517507.















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A.P. Board of Secondary Education (Hyderabad)







A.P. Board of Intermediate Education (Hyderabad)


Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Hindi & English





Nagarjuna University

Nagarjuna Nagar (A.P.)






Dip. Yoga
















Doctor of Medicine in Ayurveda (Kayachikitsa)



Kayachikitsa Panchakarma




Doctor of Philosophy in Kayachikitsa



Faculty of Ayurveda

S.S.U (Varanasi)


Vasti in lumbar disc syndrome

To be submitted






Field of Specialization:


1.      Psychosomatic Disorders, Hypertension and Yoga nidra(YOGIC RELAXATION)




3.      Rheumatologic Disorders, AIDS, Cancer & Autoimmune Disorders.








Designation               Grade             Name of Employer                Date of Joining


Lecturer in                 Senior                        S.V. Ayurvedic College        05-10-1987

Kayachikitsa                                      TIRUPATI


Assistant Professor

in Kayachikitsa                                  -  do  -                                     08-02-2003



Achievements                :



1.      Divi Srinivasacharyulu Memorial A.P. State level silver medal for best scientific paper on the ‘Ayurvedic Approach to Skin Diseases – Vijayawada


2.      Chavali Ramaiah Memorial Gold medal for outstanding performance in B.A.M.S. Examinations at Nagarjuna University, Vijayawada .


3.      Achanta Lakshmipathi Memorial Gold medal for best performance in all five years B.A.M.S. Examinations at Nagarjuna University level.


4.      Friendship cash award for having come first in Kayachikitsa & Salya Salakya in final year B.A.M.S. Exams.


5.      Sri N. Ranganadhacharyulu Memorial Cash award for getting first rank in Nagarjuna University level final B.A.M.S. Exams


6.      Vaidya RamNarayana Sharma memorial Baidyanath foundation award in 1992 for best scientific paper in All India Post Graduate level scientific paper competitions on “Scientific basis of Ayurvedic Diagnostics”, Nagpur.


7.      “Doctor of Science” honour was conferred by the open international university for complentary medicines – Colombo in 1997.


Life member:

1.                  Indian medical Practitioners Co-Operative Pharmacy and Stores Ltd (IMPCOPS), Adayar, Chennai.

2.                  Association of Gerontology (India), Varanasi.

3.                  Indian Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine (IASTAM, India), Mumbai.

4.                  Indian Epilepsy Association, Tirupati.

5.                  All India Ayurvedic Congress, New Delhi.

6.                  Sri Ramakrishna Seva Samithi, Tirupati.

7.                  Akhil Bharath Vivekanada Yuva Mahamandal, Kolkata.

8.                  Sri vaikhanasa Divya Siddhanta Vivardhini Sabha,Tirumala






1.      “Merits and short coming of Ayurveda with a view to evolve a scientific approach and methods towards it” in New wave of Traditional lines, Coimbatore June –1986.


2.      Scientific basis of Ayurvedic Diagnostics in ‘Manphar Vaidya Patrika’-1997, January, VIJAYAWADA.


3.      Ayurvedic Perspective of cancer: Rationale and strategies of its prevention and cure in “Role of Indian systems of medicine in cancer management” published by WITT, New Delhi – 1996.


4.      ‘Ayurvedic Diagnostics in a Monograph Named Sanchaya’, published by S.V. Ayurvedic College, Tirupati – 1997.


5.      ‘Scientific basis of Acara Rasayana’ in a Monograph published by National Academy of Ayurveda, New Delhi, 2002 March


6.      “Rationale of Phytochemical use in diabetes mellitus” in a souvenir published on the occasion of 12th anniversary celebrations of NMA, Krishna district unit, vja 2003




1.      Assisted in a project on the clinical evaluation of an Ayurvedic Compound (Brento) in Anxiety Neurosis and Residual schizophrenia, BHU, Varanasi,1993.


2.      A placebo controlled evaluation of Yoganidra (Relaxation) and Sankha Pushpi in mild to moderate hypertension, B.H.U., Varanasi – 1991-93.


3.      The role of C. Kap and Pancha karma in the management of Neuro-muscular disorders, Tirupati, 1993-97.


4.      To evaluate the toxic effects of C. Kap on experimental rabbits, collaboration with the Dept. of Pathology, S.V. Veterinary College,  Tirupati – 1997.


5.      To evaluate the effect of Kativasti in Lumbar spondylosis with PIVD, Tirupati , 1996.


6.      “A Clinical study on the effect of a Herbo-mineral compound in early osteoarthritis”, in S.V.Ayurvedic Hospital, Tirupati, 1997-98.


7.      A clinical study on the effect of GREEK-CD in Diabetes mellitus in 2003-04 (sponsored by MITOCON BIOTECH a Pharma division of  SPIC Ltd, Chennai.


8.      A clinical study to evaluate the effect of Dasamulaeranda taila vasti on Lumbar disc Syndrome, 2004 (as a PhD work)


9.      Bio-chemical assessment of Aryakarma (Panchakarma) therapy on 100 subjects” was completed, sponsored by Aryaserene Ltd, London.


10.  “Selective protection of LDL against oxidation” a collaborative research work with SVIMS was taken up and concluded 2006.


11.  A pilot Study conducted on “Status of serum nitric oxide and cholesterol oxides in Hemiplegics with Pancha Karma treatment “in collaboration with SVIMS, Tirupati, 2006.






1.      “Merits and shortcomings of Ayurveda with a view to evolve a scientific approach and methods towards it” in a south India student level symposium organized by the students of Coimbatore Ayurveda College, Coimbatore.


2.      “The scope of herbal drugs in the management of essential hypertension” in a national seminar on Dravyaguna, B.H.U, Varanasi on 17th-19th February, 1992.


3.      “Bhavana an effective pharmaceutical process to modulate drug action” A clinical Study.


4.      “Ayurvedic pharmaceutics: Its effect on pharmaco-Kinetics with special reference     

            to Anti Oxidant property”.


Two above two papers were presented in a National Seminar on “RASASASTRA” organized by BHU – VARANASI on 19th- 21st February, 1993.       


5.      “The role of “Ajasrika and Naimittika Rasayan in Immuno–modulation a Conceptual study”, in a National Seminar on “Immunological effects of Ayurvedic Drugs”, Government Ayurvedic College, Tiruvanantapuram on 29th & 30th March, 1994.


6.      “Ayurvedic perspective of cancer: Rationale and Strategies of its prevention and cure” in a national seminar on “Role of Indian Systems of Medicine in Cancer Management” jointly Organized by water falls institute of technology transfer and Indra Prastha cancer society, New Delhi on 13th February,1996.


7.      “A controlled study of ‘Yoganidra’ in mild to moderate hypertension” in the 6th world congress on holistic life and medicine, Kozhi kode, Kerala on 5th -7th January, 1996.


8.      “The role of C-Kaps in treatment of Neuromuscular Disorders” in a National Seminar on Role of Panchakarma in Poliomyelitis at Ahamedabad on 26th February, 1996.


9.      “A clinical study on the role of Kativasti in Lumbar spondylosis with PIVD” in a national seminar on recent advances in  Pancha Karma, Vijayawada on 14th &15th December 1996.


10.  “A controlled study on the effect of Sankha puspi (C. pleuricalis) in mild to moderate hypertension” in the 35th world congress on natural medicine, S.V. University,Tirupati, March – 1997.


11.  A paper titled “Spiritual dimension of health and disease in Ayurveda” in a national seminar on science, society and spirituality, S.V. University, Tirupati.


12.  “A clinical evaluation of the effect of ITCHA BHEDIRAS LEPAM in Indralupta & Khalitya (Alopecia)” in a national seminar on Rakta doshaja vikaras conducted by Ayurveda Sastrajna Parisad, Vijayawada on


13.  ‘Ayurvedic understanding of AIDS’ in a two-day workshop on HIV/AIDS – The changing Global scenario organized by the P.G. Department of Law, S.V. University and Department of STD, S.V. Medical College, Tirupati on 16th &17th May,1998.


14.  ‘A New protocol in the evaluation of Sandhi vata” in 16th annual function and National Seminar on Ama Vata, Sandhi vata, Vata Rakta sponsored by Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Ayurveda College, Chennai on 14th & 15th November,1998.


15.  Worked as a resource person and also delivered a guest lecture in CME programme on Rheumatological disorders organized by S.V.Ayurvedic College, TIRUPATI on 20th December, 1998.


16.  Delivered a guest lecture titled “ Amavata –A scientific view” at Centenary celebrations of Divi Ranga charyulu  at Guntur on 4th July 1999.


17.  Delivered a guest lecture titled ‘The role of Diet in health and disease” in a Symposium organized on the eve of world food day by Dept of Home Science, S.V.University on 16th October, 1999.


18.  Delivered a guest lecture titled “ Current perspectives of  Arthritis management” in a CME programme Organised by Virinchi Ayurvedic hospital , Vijayawada, March 2000. 


19.  “Life style and aging in the light of Swasthavritta & Sadavritta principles of Ayurveda” in an International Symposium on Aging – A challenge in the New Millennium organized by Bio-chemistry section, B.H.U., Varanasi on 10th -12th November,2000.


20.   Delivered a guest lecture titled ”Theory and application of Vamana karma in day to day practice” in a reorientation training programmefor Ayurvedic teachers and physicians organized by A.L.Govt. Ayurvedic college, Warangal on 21st November 2001.


21.  “Scientific basis of Acara Rasayana” in an Ayurvedic conference on ‘Rasayana’ organized by Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidya Peeth , New Delhi on 25th & 26th March 2002.


22.  “Emotions in cause and cure of IHD – an Ayurvedic perspective”, in a 15th Annual Conference of Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research Organized (ISARCON) by Department of Cardiology, SVIMS, Tirupati on 10th & 11th October 2002.


23.  Handled a technical Session on Diabetes to field managers of Mitocon Biotec, a Pharmaceutical Division of Spic Pharma, at Spic House, Guindy, Chennai on 9-9-2003.


24.  A Resource person to an “Interactive work shop on Ayurveda” organized by National Academy of Ayurveda at New Delhi on 26th &27th December 2003.


25.  “A SCIENTIFIC REVIEW OF THE RELATION BETWEEN VATA AND ASTHI THROUGH IONIC CALCIUM” in a National Conference on Recent Advances in Ayurvedic Medicine organized by faculty of Ayurveda, BHU, Varanasi on 5th-6th March, 2003.


26.  “Rationale of the relation between Vata and Ashti” in  a 19th annual function of  Ayurveda Sastrajna Parishad  at Ongole on 8th & 9th November, 2003.


27.  “Ayurvedic management of Allergic respiratory disorders“   an invited lecture was delivered on the occasion of CME program in Kayachikitsa conducted by Dr B.R.K.R Govt. Ayurvedic College, Hyderabad on 5th & 6TH march, 2005.


28.  A Resource person and panelist to an Interactive work shop on Ayurveda (Panchakarma) organized by National Academy of Ayurveda, Central Research Institute of Ayurveda(CRIA), Cheruthurthy, Kerala on 30th September to October 2nd, 2005.


29.  A paper on “Selective protection of LDL against oxidation” was presented in absentia at 15th ISHACON (15th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Hypertension) and ICHAC-2005 at New Delhi 12th &13TH November, 2005


30.  Delivered a lecture on”Pancha karma-a scientific view” in the UGC Refreshers course in Ayurveda organized by SCSVMV Deemed University, Enathur conducted at SJS Ayurveda college, Ponamalli, on 14th November, 2005.


31.  Delivered a guest lecture on “Concept of mind in Ayurveda with special reference to Stress management” in a National seminar on Yoga organized by Rashtriya Sanskrit vidya Peeth, Tirupati on 29th January, 2006


32.  Delivered a guest lecture on “Ayurveda and other medical Systems-an over view” at Sri Padmavathi School of Pharmacy, Tirupati on 24th April, 2006. 



CHAIRMAN/ CO-CHAIRMAN of Scientific session


1.      Co-Chairman of a session in a National Seminar on recent advances in Panchakarma Vijayawada – 1996.


2.      Co-Chairman of a session in a National Seminar on Raktadosaja Vikara – Vijayawada – 1997.


3.      Co-chairman to a session on Recent trends in herbal research organized by south India pharmacologists association, Dept of Pharmacology, S.V. Medical college, Tirupati 24th may 2003


4.      Co-chairman of a session in a National seminar on applied innovations of Ayurveda Nidana and chikitsa and symposium on dosha impact on dhatus & malas, Prakruthik / vaikruthik organized by Sai Ram Ayurveda college ,Chennai, 25th Dec 2004.


5.      As an invited speaker in a panel discussion in connection with  National work shop on scientific and technical terminology work shop  organized by  Gomantaka Ayurveda college, Shiroda, Goa 24th January, 2005.


6.      Chairman to a session in an interactive Workshop on Ayurveda (Panchakarma) organized by National Academy of Ayurveda, Central Research Institute of Ayurveda(CRIA), Cheruthurthy, Kerala on 30th September to October 2nd     2005.





1.      Public awareness lectures on Ayurveda given at various organization in and around Andhra Pradesh.


2.      About Twelve radio talks were given on various aspects of Ayurveda.


3.      Delivered many lectures on ‘AIDS AWARENESS” in junior and Degree Colleges of S.V. University, Tirupati.






TIRUPATI                                                                   (Dr. P. MURALI KRISHNA)